Did you know that Americans produce 25% more trash during the holiday season than any other time of year?  Between wrapping paper, Christmas trees, and cardboard boxes, it’s sadly no surprise as it’s hard to keep track of all you dispose during that busy time. 

As always, we’re looking for a way to be more environmentally friendly!

Thanks to one of our companies, Foremost Insurance Group, these eco-friendly holiday tips will guide you to produce less waste and recycle more.

  • Use eco-friendly wrapping paper.  My favorite option is to wrap a gift WITH a gift (using a scarf, or reusable bag). 
  • Cut down on the food you buy.  Overestimating how much food you’ll need leads to food ending up in the trash.
  • Buy a non-traditional gift.  Events and gift cards create memories, and cut down on wrapping.
  • Properly dispose of cardboard boxes.  We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: recycle, recycle, recycle! 
  • Use LED lights for your home.  LEDs are up to 80% more efficient (and last 10 times longer) than traditional lights! 
  • Recycle your tree after the holidays.  Donate your tree instead of sitting it out on the curb.  If you’re local to Murrysville, drop it off at JA Rutter where they estimate each tree can make up to 5 lbs of mulch!

Disposable items may bring joy and convenience, but consider the impact they have on the environment.

From all of us at Ferri Dawson Insurance Group, we wish you all a happy holiday season!