Halloween is a holiday filled with fun for adults and children alike, but can also be one of the most dangerous days of the year.

Children are three times more likely to be struck and killed by a car on the holiday than any other day of the year, according to the latest federal highway safety data.

In absolute terms, the likelihood of a child being killed by a car on Halloween is still extremely low, given the hundreds of millions of trick-or-treaters who went out during the time period analyzed. But the holiday nonetheless stands out sharply when charted against every other day.

Here’s why Halloween is the deadliest day of the year for child pedestrians

Children are three times more likely to be fatally injured by a car on the holiday than any other evening of the year, and the risk grows to 10 times for kids 4 to 8.

Other safety tips to consider include ensuring your children wear bright costumes, or carry a flashlight. Put electronic devices down and be sure to walk (not run) across the street, looking both ways before crossing. If participating in trick-or-treating at home, restrain pets so they do not inadvertently jump on or bite a trick-or-treater, and remove tripping hazards from your yard and sidewalk.

Halloween Health & Safety Tips

all-around~Here is a great list from the AAP for a healthy and safe Halloween. ​Costumes, pumpkins, candy, driving reminders, treat tips, and more!

For information on trick-or-treating in light of COVID-19, please read the article below.
